Dr Graham Birrell

House History, History Events, Genealogy, and Historical Research

House History

I am a double blue plaque winning historian - could an award winning story be waiting in your house too?

Have you ever wondered what the walls in your home might say if they could talk? House history can reveal the forgotten stories of the former residents of your home.

History Events and Shows

I run a variety of different historically themed events: from online or face-to-face ‘We the Jury’ events, where you and eleven peers examine the actual evidence from an historical murder before deciding on the prime suspect’s fate; to one-man history shows; to talks on a variety of historical topics I have researched; or in delivering true-crime themed staff-development for businesses - I always try and fully utilise the story in history.

Business History

Knowing more about your business, including its buildings, can help you to place it even more squarely at the heart of its community.

History Research

I am a highly experienced history researcher and have spent a great deal of time in a large number of archives and libraries. If you have a project that you need support with, please get in contact.

Family History

I am a highly qualified historian and experienced genealogist who can help you unlock the hidden secrets of your ancestors.
