Staff Development

Are you looking for something a little bit more creative and original than the standard slide show? I might have what you’re looking for…

After two decades in academia, I am a highly experienced educational provocateur. As well as delivering literally thousands of sessions to highly demanding audiences, I have years of experience of leading staff-training and in supporting teams of people to work more closely together, to set achievable goals and to push themselves further.

Utilising my ‘We the Jury’ concept, I deliver thought-provoking and memorable staff development for businesses of all types, shapes and sizes. For more about the concept click here. In terms of the shape of the experience, I am very happy to be guided by your needs; however, a typical day begins in the morning undertaking a ‘We the Jury’ session, with the afternoon immersed in understanding what we have learned about each other from the exercise, including thinking further about working collaboratively and on how we can utilise everyone’s strengths to further our collective and individual goals.

Sarah, North Wales

“I would recommend Graham without hesitation to any business or work environment. I can honestly say that the staff development time I spent with him was the most inspirational and thought-provoking in my entire professional career. He made me entirely re-examine what I wanted to achieve and how - my staff and I benefitted enormously from his wisdom, challenge and highly creative approach.”