A Brief CV

1994 BA(Hons) History and Politics
1996 MA by Research in American History
1998 PGCE in Primary Education
1998-2002 School Teacher
2002-2021 Senior Lecturer and Head of Primary History, Canterbury Christ Church University
2018 Awarded a Doctorate in Education
2021-today Visiting Lecturer, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh

During my career I have written and published widely, including books, journals, blogs, plus numerous magazine and newspaper articles.

Philosophy of History

I believe that history is one of the most important disciplines we can ever study. The knowledge of the past that it can provide can not just be endlessly interesting, but it can help us to lead productive and worthwhile lives in the present.

History helps us to look at things from different angles and so enables us to avoid extreme and incautious positions – there are always different ways to look at past events, things are never black and white. It helps us to consider events or decisions in the present, both large and small, by comparing them to how similar things played out in the past…by doing so we can think carefully about the possible consequence of decisions, making us more logical and coherent thinkers.

But most all, it teaches us to have complete respect for evidence: ask people to back their points up before they try and influence you to do something; be cautious about the unsupported claims of politicians, pundits or newspapers; but once the evidence backs you up, be confident in your decision making and life choices.

Current Projects

I spend most of my time working on history projects for clients, which recently have focused on house history books; however, in my spare time I’m currently researching and writing a book on ‘Colonel Mordaunt’s Cock Match’, the famous painting by Johan Zoffany. Dating from the 1780s, the painting depicts a cock fight in Lucknow, India, between the fighting birds of Colonel John Mordaunt of the East India Company and Asaf-ud-Daula, the Nawab of Oudh. The ‘Cock Match’ is probably the most important painting of the entire British Empire - my book will reveal the remarkable stories of those featured, the life of the painting itself via its numerous owners, plus how interpretations of the Cock Match have changed radically over time, with it standing as a metaphor for our understanding of the Empire itself.

Colonel Mordaunt’s Cock Match, by Johan Zoffany